Camcorders with stuck tapes

We often get old cameras where the battery or charger is missing/bad. Sometimes we take them apart to get the tape, sometimes jump starting them with a good power supply works. NOTE: We do not repair cameras or VCRs. But if you have a tape stuck in one, we will get it out. Don't expect to get the camera back in working order.

Camera still works with a good power supply
Camera still works with a good power supply
The VHS-C tape is rescued and we can now transfer it to DVD!
The VHS-C tape is rescued and we can now transfer it to DVD!

Broken videotapes

If the tape is broken, we will splice it and transfer it to DVD:

Splicing Broken Video 8 Tape
VHS Tape Repair

This VHS tape was split in half.

We don't know how - that's the way we got it!

It was put in a new shell, spliced and transferred to DVD.

VHS-C with tab stuck in tape reel

Somehow the green write inhibit tab made it inside this VHS-C cassette and got wound inside the tape spool. Here we are wnwinding by hand and putting the spools in new shell before transferring to DVD.

Soda spilled on VHS Tape

This VHS tape had soda spilled on it. We cleaned the reels and transferred it to DVD.

Melted videotapes

These tapes were successfully repaired and transferred to DVD

Melted VHS Tape
Melted MiniDV Tape

DDVF cannot duplicate materials protected under United States Copyright Law. These include store bought movies, DVDs, Blu-ray discs, cassette tapes, and CDs as well as television programs and professionally produced videos. When presenting material to DDVF for duplication, you will be required to sign that you are the copyright owner (i.e., it is your home video) or you have permission from the owner to duplicate the work.